Zombie Planning

Explanation of activity
Level One:
LG:     Actively listening
         Identify our prior knowledge
Taking turns you need to interview each other about what you already know about your chosen physics topic. Make sure you record (on paper or a google doc) what each person in your group said.
Level Two:
LG:    Activate our prior knowledge
Using the squid GO you are to question and answer the squid tentacles. Remember, you do not move on until all the group is ready and the question has been answered. Ask your personal burning questions on your topic.  
Level Three:
Making connections with Hexagons
LG:    To synthesise our information and make connections between ideas
Find the 12 most important ideas from your squid, write each one on a hexagon. Try and make connections with how the hexagons fit together. Do you have some that do not fit? Are all the other hexagons fitting around one? Do you have a lynchpin? Each time you make connections you need to take a photo and document it. How many different ways do your hexagons fits together? You need to use  - yes and when others are sharing their ideas. No and but are not allowed!
Level Four:
Making our big question
LG:   To define our problem
SC is our problem unique? Have we used the 3 powerful words How might we…? Is our fourth word a verb? Verb sheet
Level Five:
100 ideas in 10 minutes
LG:    Brainstorm ideas for our inquiry
Each person in the group starts writing down ideas, all of you trying to get to 100 ideas in 10 mins. The first few need to be sensible, then they can move into the bizarre.
Level Six:
Research into idea completed on a google doc with physics concepts clearly outlined
LG:    Analyse information and data collected
Find out all the information you will need by triangulating different websites. Document each website you find and all information from them.
Level seven:
Prototype one - documented and photographed
LG:   Make a prototype and receive critical feedback
Remember that any feedback you give needs to be specific, constructive and one thing at a time. All feedback needs to be documented and the prototypes need to be photographed.
N - new
U - useful
F - feasible
Level Eight:
Prototype two - documented and photographed
Level Nine:
Prototype three - documented and photographed
Level Ten:
Final design - documented and photographed
Product made for Zombie day!
Level Eleven:
Explanations done with peer and teacher feedback
SC on your explanation docs.
Level Twelve:
Zombie day
Testing of your final product.
Level Thirteen:
Augmented reality video recorded and ready to go
LG: To use augmented reality
Use the augmented reality app to record a video explaining your product - an ad SC to come.
Level Fourteen:
All parts of the project completed, documented and in the library ready for the parents night
Celebration night!

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